CLES Awarded Grant for Communication Equipment

Whenever CLES is called, the agency relies heavily on mobile and portable radio technology to communicate with our dispatch center in Soldotna, other emergency service agencies on the Kenai Peninsula, interdepartmentally with our own responders as well as law enforcement agencies such as the Alaska State Troopers.  Radio communications are essential to a safe response and outcome on any fire or ems call.

Approximately 2 years ago, the State of Alaska informed CLES they would be transitioning to a new radio system in infrastructure over 18-24 months that would render our equipment obsolete!  We would not be able to send or receive communications from Dispatch or any other agency/responder.  As a result, we were facing a significant hurdle to overcome to replace the entire inventory of both portable and mobile radios to the tune of more than $125,000.  Without these radios, we would not be able to operate.  Our hands were tied!

Fortunately, Fire Chief Riley Shurtleff, sought grant funding from numerous sources and subsequently applied for a grant through Southern Region EMS Council’s Code Blue Program.  In late 2021, we were notified of a grant award approved by Southern Region toward the purchase of new radio equipment.  A few short months later, the Cooper Landing Seniors Corp. awarded an additional grant towards the Code Blue’s remaining costs. This equipment will allow CLES to communicate quickly and clearly in all response communications!  In a region where mountains and valleys dominate the landscape, it is important that we have a reliable source of communication in every emergency response.  We elected to purchase Kenwood mobile and portable radios as they far exceed all our minimum requirements at a very competitive price point when compared to such vendors as Motorola.  CLES will pay a 10% match toward the grant award, however, this equipment will serve the community of Cooper Landing and surround area for years to come!!  Our thanks goes out to all members of the Seniors Corp. Board and the SR Review Panel. If you have any questions about fundraising, grant monies or awards, please call 907-595-1800 or via email at