As you can see from the illustration on this page, equipment costs for a volunteer firefighter can be $10,000+.  It is important to note that most firefighting gear has a mandatory 5-10 year change-out period.

Equipment for our EMTs and Paramedics, like the Lifepak 15 Monitor / Defibrillator, can costs upwards of $45,000. Our EMS Ambulances carry more than 300 unique items on each unit at a cost of more than $20,000 and must be replaced as they are used to care for our patients.  These on-going costs can range in excess of $15,000 per year.

You Can Help!

By donating today, you can help our volunteer Firefighters and EMTs/Paramedics raise the money they need to be equipped to serve our community when they are needed.

Click on the donate button above to make a donation! If you don’t wish to create a Paypal account, just choose to checkout as guest!


Likepak 15 Monitor / Defibrillator ($35,000)